
This page details the regular services held at All Saints, Witley.

8.00am HOLY COMMUNION (every Sunday)
This is a reflective service without music and with short periods of silence built in. There is usually a sermon or occasionally a presentation on a specific subject. Anyone who is confirmed may receive Communion (bread and wine) and everyone may receive a blessing. The service lasts 50-55 minutes.

10.00am PARISH COMMUNION from Dec 1st 2019(every Sunday except the first of the month)
This is the main service of the day and includes music on the organ and singing led by choir wearing robes. The seasonal worship booklet is supplemented by a hymn book and is easy to follow.
During term time, children of 3 and upwards are invited to go the Jubilee Hall for Young Saints (see Sunday School page).
The junior choir members join Young Saints after the first section of singing. All children return towards the end of the service to receive a blessing at the altar. Anyone who has been used to receiving bread and wine in any other Christian church is very welcome to join in the Communion at All Saints. After the service, coffee and soft drinks are served and we all have a chance to meet friends, old and new. This service usually ends before 11am.

10.00 am ALL SAINTS TOGETHER from Dec 1st 2019 (first Sunday of every month)
This informal Communion service is especially suitable for families to worship together. There is no Young Saints on this Sunday, and children of all ages are involved in the whole service. The congregation is encouraged by a choir leader to join in with various parts of the service which have accessible tunes. The sermon usually includes some participation from the congregation. People are invited to contribute via a flip chart to the prayers that are used. Children of school age are invited to stand round the altar with candles for the main prayer of thanksgiving. The whole service lasts about 45 minutes and ends with coffee and chat.

5.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG (Sunday termly)
Traditional evening prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. A sung service including psalms, hymns and an anthem sung by the choir. This service is an opportunity to enjoy an hour of beautiful music, silence and 'time apart'. It includes prayers, but no sermon. Evensong is held once each term and the date is known well in advance to enable all who enjoy this type of worship to attend.